Bridging People, Cultures & Conversations

Malcom Chapman
Consultant, Speaker, Facilitator, Fellow, Leader, Optimist & Marine




Over 35 years of proven performance in training, teaching, marketing, sales, and service in the public and private sector.

Life-long Learner 

“I don’t know what your destiny will be but one thing I know: the only ones among you who will feel really happy are those of you who will have sought and found how to serve.”

— Albert Sweitzer

Service Affiliations and Board Work



To convene individuals and groups of people in authentic, honest, and respectful conversations across difference. 

Career Summary

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Let’s Get Started

Malcom “Chap” Chapman is president and founder of the Chapman Group. The Chapman Group offers a variety of consulting services that provide attendees with powerful tools they can immediately implement in their workplace. These services include retreat facilitation, strategic planning, training, leadership development, course development, seminars, and keynote addresses.